Monday 22 September 2008

Dazed and confused...

I am lost! I am in the ether! Where's my head?!

I went to London on Saturday and had a wonderful time at my mate's beautiful grown-up pub in Faringdon. I am so proud! It is just gorgeous - no teles (yay! Hate tvs in pubs), floor to ceiling arched windows, small and characterful. And the food! Ahhh! We had the most delicious canapes that represented their menu - the tenderest roast beef with horseradish, and lovely chunky chips, and chutneys with home-made, toasted french bread... Delicious. Official opening is on Thursday and a chappie from Time Out is going along! Fingers crossed - I may post the review (if it's good?!!!).

Yeah, so I got back yesterday and even though it was a free bar I drank only beer and cider and STILL had the hangover from hell. Totally awful and again, I was sick on the train. I decided that I am not impressed with this vile booziness and so am going teetotal. I am! I don't have enough time for the hangovers and just *that* post boozy creepy feeling - whatever you did (or didn't do), it is there. Creepy. I was soooooooooooooo unbelievably happy to be home, I can't tell you. I just don't like london much either and am always happy to leave it. I vegetated and slept and ate nonsense all afternoon. Today I have been cleaning my house since 9.15 for my ma's imminent arrival... The *whole* house. Her room is my study so you can imagine what a paper-filled tip that is. Well, was. I have moved the papers into the kitchen for now. They are homeless! My ma gets in at... hmmm.. about half one. I am making us some soupins for luncheon and then shall take her to visit S, our new post-Inja homeland. It is so cute I hope she likes it! And then we shall come home and go out for a curry I reckon (rude not to in my part of the world) at this renowned place I haven't been to before. I have had a ready meal from them though (think it may be a local thing) and it was amazing! Like a proper curry! So the real thing should be fairly spectacular. It is odd now that my Ma is teetotal cause before we would have just plonked in my kitchen and got drunk.

I suppose I should do some work. I have decided to not go to cornwall for a farewell tour -I am sure peeps will get over it - and I think a break for DB to be with his friends and for us to take a week out from each other before TN would be a good idea anyway. I can pack and be cross on my own. (We fall out with each other massivley when we go on holiday, and when we move house so the two together... Eek! Am trying to practice not worrying so much and chilling out so I don't wind us up. So far it is working.) I just can't get the time off work. I will have this time off with my Ma until weds avo/Thurs am, and then that would be pretty much a week I have had off. And we have to keep going for vaccinations (6 to have in a month) and also to get the visa will be a day out. And I have DB's beeday next month. So all in all a week off is not feasible. All that time off travelling as well. Nah.

My uni friend sent me an email about his work and ontological queries and it is very in depth and a bit confusing, but I am sure it is the product of much editing and probably as clear as it can get. I think it clearly shows how much we get into our PhDs and even though we think we are explaining it clearly, we really aren't. Which I find unnerving considering I was asked quite a bit about it in London. I don't remember many blank looks... which could mean it is all fine, or I am so boring I don't even know I am being boring. Or just drunk. Anyway, he was asking me some questions which I think I understand but am tempted to just simply write back with 'yes' and happily leave it at that. YES! yes yes yes.

Righty. Think will read about George Michael's scalliness for a while and set about making some soup... No point trying to work - I can't really remember where I was and my papers are all in a jumble. I am not good at working remotely. It is like I have my desk, and my papers on the floor and on my desk and they are bits of my brain so I don't need to think about them, I can just glance at them. And if I mix it all up I can't think any more. I really am that simple. Take my paper-piles away and you leave a jibbering confused mess where a PhD candidate used to sit. It would be abuse! Then, put it all back in place and I would start working away again like nothing happened and be a coherent human being.

Which is why I have to work at home, and not hot-desk at uni.



x J

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