Tuesday 16 September 2008


Ohhhhhh, so there I am, feeling all epiphanied, and what do I find out?! That working out your research as you go along is called a 'flexible design'. And there is only one other type of design - the opposite - fixed design. I am such a doofuss. I am very grateful to Robson's book 'Real World Research' which is holding my hand through this method-searching process. I am *slow*. Although I haven't visited any of this since 2006 and then I was mighty bored with the whole thing then.

I have realised that today I have dressed myself like a crazy cat lady. I have on jeans (good), a too-big smock top (yes, they are meant to be big but this is a size too big, courtesy of ebay) and a black wrap-around cardy on top. I look like a hippy cat lady. And to top it off I hve quite short hair which is growing out and all over the place, so to look decorous I put my fringe back with a bobby pin... and have realised that this little effort at tidiness makes me look all the more crazy because the rest of it is still sparking out everywhere.

DB has gone to the gym - the first time in a week or so because he went to an introductory class of Pilates aimed at elderly people last week and woke up the next day in serious pain from straining his muscles. Ah the glee in my heart when he confessed. Old lady pilates! He couldn't even carry the shopping basket in Morrisons and thought he was going to have to go to the docs! Heeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Anyway, he is off to try and warm them up again, but no straining. :0)) Boys are silly.

x J

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