Friday 19 September 2008

Funkin Friday!

Ahhh, it is Friday. I am busy filling in fieldwork forms which ask awkward questions about doctors and suchlike - I have no idea who my doctor is. I just see any old random who has spare time (ah the joy of the NHS!)...

Last night was a *lovely* night, and, therefore, yesterday was a lovely day. My hips hurt this morning from all my walking with my books!! We did have early boozy when DB got back and swapped exciting meeting stories. By nine I had had quite enough cider and went to bed - realised it was actually 9, and not usual bedtime and got up and then ate a lot of yummy pizza and chips... Then slept for about 10 hours?!!! Madness. So I have very little of a hangover today and no excuse not to work. So I shall work!

Today I am filling in these forms, then I shall make a plan of action for the next few weeks. I need to include time to research theory and writing up what I already suspect about sampling etc. I also have to have a section where I show how I have 'learnt' my way through this process, noting when and why I have changed my mind about things and suchlike.

My ma is coming to stay on Monday for a couple of days! This is ace and I can't wait to show her 'S' - where we are moving to next year... (and maybe get the first grandchild underway! Won't say anything about that though - there is enough pressure on my aging womb as it is). I need to organise my room for her though - poor love will have the pleasure of staying in my paper-filled, manic office. I think I will get it done on Monday though before she comes, or do it later. Not now.

Am off to look up my doc's address.

x J

PS: I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy that my Sup suggested spending three weeks settling into TN. This is brilliant news and has made me look forward to the experience so much more. Not so stressed and worried. Phew! :0)

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