Wednesday 24 September 2008


I am indeed dopey! My ma has been to stay and I haven't had to do any work for days! I haven't even been thinking about it! I think that is because I am now feeling more settled and don't have any major commitments between now and leaving so I can just concentrate on working from tomorrow...

I have...
* Got my jabs all booked in and bought. I just need to go in twice more and then am all sorted.
* Seen my ma for a couple of days and will see her again before we go away.
* Been to London to see my mates
* sorted out all my uni admin work for going away: the risk assessment form, travel insurance etc.
* Organised a date to leave the house and written the letter to the agencies (!)

So I am pretty sorted at the moment. I could freak myself out worrying about all the work I have to do before I go away but will do that tomorrow. We hand in the keys on the house in one month tomorrow... So I have about three weeks of full time work in front of me, before I am bound to get caught up moving house etc. DB is always good at all that stuff, maybe I should stay out of the way a bit.

Oh! I also have started a budget for TN... And I heard from my couchsurfing mate in TN who wondered how my plans where coming along and said there were a couple of other people we could meet while we were there. How lovely! We will hang about a bit on our own and try and get a feel for the area and meet up with her after a few days I think. Really nice email though. I just with I wasn't so cripplingly shy!!!!! I always look forward to meeting people but when it comes to it I hate it. I have so many people to meet in TN, it will be such a learning curve. This is probably why I am so glad to have three weeks to kind of settle in and take some comfort from my shell for a little while... before being in the deep end of full-time volunteering! Eek! Ah, well I am tired today from entertaining my ma so probably a little more reticent than usual. A few weeks holed up at home working out my methodology will get my social fires burnin' again!!

Am soooo hungry. Off to munch on some toast and marmalade...

Back to work tomorrow with a vengeance!

x J

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