Monday 29 September 2008

Good weekend so it were

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I had a lovely weekend although I did work through most of it. Although I did find out that I *am* going to be cited in a very important book which I am excited about! Being slow off the publishing blocks I have yet to see my wee name in print so it's really thrilling! I will run out and buy the book the moment it is printed!! Hehe. ;0)

On saturday I worked to finish the chapter I was reading on poststructuralism and postmodern ideas of cultural constestation which was very exciting! Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in YONKS and had a great workout and felt all awake and revitalised. I also got my head round a lot of Tamil grammer and realised that maybe it doesn't have to be so hard. I did a lot of work on it yesterday and am MUCH more relaxed about it. Huzzahs and phew! DB and I got all excitable about my probable citing status and got some cider to celebrate... I am not suffering today though, not at all.

Today, today, today... I am going to go over the Tamil I learnt yesterday and then I am going to finish the last chapter of this book which will hopefully tell me how postmodern ideas can be ued in actual research... then I should be flying along with the methodology (I hope!).

In the meantime I shall sit and commisserate the lack of butter in my house for toast and the horrendous amount of porridge-style breakfast substitutes. Someone (DB) needs to go to the shop!

x J

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