Friday 26 September 2008

Offski - long day!

Today has been such a long day! I can't believe it is only half five... But then I have done nothing but read all day and that is not likely to make time fly by... I have been reading about postmodernism and have to say that I think I may be even more a postmodernist than ever I thought. My sup's head will be spinning if I keep changing direction so dramatically!!


I am pretending to be busy because I know DB is going to make me go to the shop to buy us some wine and I really don't want to. I am a typical PhD-at-home worker mess. I am clean, but I still have bedhead. I suppose I should see the sunshine, I haven't been outside for two days... The sun has been shining all day today in that weak, perdy, september-way. So lovely.

Ok then! If I buy the wine, I can then drink the wine. I think I shall be working this weekend. Foucault and Derrida are not the easiest people to just 'get' on a Friday avo, although i am not doing too badly. And the thing is that I want to get them brilliantly, so I can justify myself against non-believers. 'Yes, yes I know there is a real world, but I am studying how it is represented and made real through discourse...' Durr.

I wonder what kind of discourse I will be making in TN then? Because *I* will be writing the discourse of aid-recipients in my interviews. Unless I transcribe them perfectly?! Impossible, I will need a translator. Hmm. I suppose I will need to work that out at a later date. Definitely knowing which theory I am coming from, and consequently what kind of info I am seeking will be a good start?!!!!

DB keeps coming out of the kitchen with bowls of food, I can hear the cutlery clinking away. I haven't made any food. What food has he found?!! On his own?! Like a grown-up? Uh-oh, maybe he will get all independent on me and run off with some other maid! Better get the wine and show how indispensable I still am!

Happy weekend's all!

x J

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