Wednesday 3 September 2008


Today has been a good day! Again!

*I am currently in my kitchen at my table, reading through academic articles to help critique in this final section. I am writing good quotes straight onto the essay then will work around them i think.

*I have found out that Boots will do us a japanese encephalitus and Rabies jab for £160 each! bargain. Some nurses said we could end up paying £300! I wasn't going to have them done but will now it is affordable. This is pleasing and another logistical issue sorted...

*I am going to buy my flights tomorrow! This is for definite. I am sooooooo excited.

*I have found out that you can foster dogs! This is brilliant and I will get onto that when we come back from TN. I want a dog sooo much but have travelled too much to get one. Then I was thinking of getting a rescue one after TN as I want to settle down really but this will be an ace compromise and I can look after doggies who would otherwise be lonely/put down/drowned in a well. Most pleasing. And they pay for their feed and give you all the gubbins you need to look after them! Fab. I can't wait, I have always had a dog at home and missed having one terribly since I moved out of home (all those years ago). I have made up for it by getting hamsters and fish but, well, they die. And don't bark. Or give cuddles. Or have quizzical looks. Ahhhhh.

Oh dear. I just remembered that my future renting agents probably won't allow me a dog. Oh dear. I hope I can afford to buy somewhere after TN! I want to have my own house and my own rules.

What else... Hmmm... Ah yes, the facist bank is ringing me to tell me how much they have looked into my complaint about seemingly not knowing anything about my account, like, EVER. Funnily enough they haven't called. Lazy facists.

Better get back to the reading. I will probably work until half six then stop. Today has zooomed past!

I am pretty anxious that this section is going to be larger than I anticipated and will take more time. Eek. Why does it all have to be so darned complicated?!!! I think I am just going to buy it off of the internet and lounge around eating crisps and shouting at the tele while fostering dogs.

x J

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