Monday 8 September 2008

Monday 8 September

Oh. My. God.

I was a total fool yesterday... DB and I went out to this village we have heard of to see if it is a place we may want to move next year and it was *lovely*. Finding somewhere to look forward to moving to when we get back from TN is so important to me and when DB and I got back we opened a bottle of wine to mull over our pleasure with... and then some. As a consequence I am more than brain-dead and am really annoyed with myself. I am meant to be editing this 30 page chapter today which is nigh on impossible when I can barely say my own name.

I am not amused.

Just went and washed my face to try and be more sober but it hasn't really worked.

I suppose I will have to read the Guardian online and eat some toast for a bit. I have all day. I have nothing else to do that can't wait until tomorrow.

The thing is, I was drinking red wine (I know...) *but* with orange juice and soda water. So I wouldn't think I would feel that bad. But I feel dreadful, like I went on the rampage. I am very tired. I look *awful*. I fel sick and headachy and just ug, awful. Awful, awful.

Just try and be *normal*. And stay away from the booze!

x J

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