Saturday 3 November 2012

All done for today :)

Well, I have done my work for today!

I don't feel like I have really and would like to work more but with a family downstairs I should probably go and join them.  I had a goal of writing 500 words but a preferred goal of 700 if i could and I have reached that target :)  Well, more than that actually.

I have managed, through sheer luck, to find two old but complete drafts of what I wanted to say in this chapter before I edited it down to 1000 words, so am able to plump up my work with these drafts.  Am so very, very happy about this, I just knew I had more thorough old texts around but couldn't remember what I had saved them as (am going as far back as 4 years here!).  The one thing I do have to keep checking though is that I haven't taken the text and used it somewhere else in the thesis!  So far I did take about 400 words that, on checking, I have used in another chapter.  I recognise it all so much it is hard to know if that is because I have actually used it or just because I obviously worked on these discourses a *lot*.  So, anyway, finding these quotes and info has helped a lot, and will carry on helping later/tomorrow. 

So I have over 5000 words for this chapter so far, just need 2500 more!  Hopefully I'll get a good pace on tomorrow (or later) copy and pasting more chunks in.  I hope so!

x J

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