Friday 16 November 2012

Pickled Brain

Writing my intro is pickling my brain.

It is a horrible nightmare, and I have no schnaffles to see me through.  I don't even have any bread to make toast!  UG.  I really want to 'get it done', even roughly, but it is like wading through a swamp.  I have to sort out my intros to the sections, edit the lit review, constantly revise what the chuff is in my lit review - and, hideously, what isn't...  I have got a new section to put in, and I think that some of what I carved up and spread about the thesis yesterday ought to go in here first.  Sometimes, until you are reading it from start to finish, you don't know how you state things that are then elucidated much later on - so obviously the arguments need to swap around.  This is a massive head fuck.

So.  I am nearing the screaming-in-the-shower stage but hope that hard work today with the knowledge I am having tomorrow bloody OFF to read the paper and take Beanie swimming will make it ok.  I have to know that every knot I meet is another to untangle and finally I WILL get there.

Is a big knot.

Oh well, I have today, some of sunday (an hour or two to keep my hand in) and all of mon and tues to sort it out, this should be fine.

There is no WAY that I will be sending sup a 'polished' draft as I hoped.  It will NOT have had a single proper read through; I can't face it yet until I know whether the sum of its parts are tolerable.  And don't get me started on the conclusion, that needs completely reworking with New Words.  Oooooh noooooooooooooooooo :(

Am not a happy bunny and am definitely starting to realise why people who have done their PhDs wince when you say you are at this stage!

x J

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