Friday 2 November 2012

Back to old plan :)

Yes, it has been one of those days.

Where to make sure the path you first chose was right you have to faff and try other ones and then just go back to the first.

Am delighted as it means I only have 4000 words to find (have written 500 today) instead of three chapters to organise but crushed as I remember that normally when writing I am happy with 500 words a day - but I only have until tomorrow apparently to do this!  This is not going to happen.  Not because of a lack of will but simply because writing takes time, finding notes takes time, and even what I will chuffing put in this bit will take time.  500 words is a very reasonable goal and to think it is not is foolhardy and only liable to send stress levels through the roof.

I think I am just going to have to aim for 500 words a day, but at least get it done even if it takes a week.  Then I will work on the other chapter(s) I have to do :( and finally, the rest of the stuff I need to do to get my first draft done.  It is looking worryingly tight (over) the deadline, how I will submit for the 17th I don't know!

All I can do is plod on, and like Sup says if I don't hand it in on time they can't kick me out or not accept the thesis.  If they aren't open to accept it, what can I do?! 

oh dear. 

x J

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