Friday 2 November 2012

Oh shit, all change

So I thought to myself last night that maybe it would be a good idea if I re-read my other empirical chapter - the one I wrote so well Sup said after the first draft that I needn't look at it again as it is already PhD worthy...  so I never looked at it again...

well I did look at it last night and realised that lots of it was actually what I wanted to write in the 'new' chapter...  Oh dear.  And I also realised that if I am doing another chapter then it might be necessary to carve that lovely chapter up too :(  So I realised a) this chapter will not be lovely any more, but will need to change too; and b) I have three chapters to rewrite, not one as I hoped.  I have to have all this done for Tuesday.  Tuesday!  OMG I don't think so.  In normal life it would take me a good month to do all this work. 

And at the same time I decided to have a wee look at facebook and all it is full of are friends, my friends, all arranging to meet each other over xmas.  Yay what a fun time we shall have, meeting and making merry!  But not me.  Oh no, not me.  I am not even INCLUDED because everyone knows (I am a gobshite, as we well know from the fact i have an actual blog for my PhD) I am doing my PhD until Jan and will not be coming out to play ever again. :(  Oh, the sadness. 

Anyway, back to work.  It is ok because I am not panicking.  I am actually in a state of calm resignation about it all.  In fact, I think at the mo until I see what kind of a mess I am actually in I can only hope for the best.  So my job this morning is to carve up the *two* empirical chapters I have done (under new names, am not actually going to get rid of the original work of course) as I think I have made three themes out of what I say in them both, and make three chapters out of them.  Hopefully this way I will be able to add to these themes in a coherent way, rather than sort of mumbling away.  Padding is probably not that acceptable at PhD level!

I am also wondering if I will need to put Beanie into childcare for four days a week asap.  He has had that this week and although it is tiring organising his life and my worklife, the thought of having that bit more time to work before the weekend seems very alluring.  Then I wouldn't be such a monster of stress on saturday morning.  he might not like it though.  But it is only for 6 weeks...  arf, who knows.  i don't even know if the childminder works friday or monday!  or if we can afford it!

Right, am off to hash up my chapters now.  I really hope I can make three strong themes out of them and have something to work on!  Am so sad actually I am doing this today, and not writing!  It better be a good idea!

x J


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