Friday 16 November 2012

Might actually collapse

Right then.

I have worked all bloody day (10 hours, even had lunch here) and I am now hungry so guess, once I have gone and eaten and things, I might as well call it a day.  I cannot work any more, and actually, I don't need to.

I have my 80,000 words. I would put an exclamation mark or show joy but I am too tired.   I don't know how I did this but copy and pasting seemed to do the trick.  Or I added up wrong and obviously i still have 71,000 words. 

I also have an intro of sorts; it has structure and all the parts are there but the lit review is still too long.  However, it should refer to my research often like a good lit review.  I have said why I am doing my work in India (am not completely sure, I think I just fancied going there and had to make some guff up) and methods etc.

I need to edit and read through this introduction, and it needs about 1000 words trimming off it, which is very reasonable. 

I shall NOT do any work tomorrow as it needs time to 'bed-in' so my brain works out what i have left out, what I have spraffed on about too much and what is completely ridiculous.  I will then come back on Sunday eventime to kick off the editing.  Monday I will edit and start turning it into a conclusion.

I will not read through the whole draft of the thesis before sending it off as that would take forever, and in no way would it be a skim read.  It needs going through with a fine tooth comb but first I would like sup to see it and tell me how crap it all is (see discussion chapter debacle for why not to finesse work you are unsure about).

So.  I have to write a quick sentence or two about why I am not looking at certain things and then I am OFF!  oh, and to re-organise my chapter outline so it is actually representative of my chapters.  ah fuck it, might just begger off!

Really very happy in a subdued, 'fuck me' kind of way :)  maybe like a bad runner after a marathon?!

x J

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