Wednesday 21 November 2012

Back and Brighter!

I am glad I didn't work last night, I was just feeling depressed about it all but feel much brighter today.

Having had some space, I feel better and even have a Plan.  Am going through the lit review to check what my main points were and if they need to be addressed in the concl (am hoping I have covered most of them now).  Then if I have anything left to say I will say it, if i don't I won't and won't sweat it.  I sort of released the pressure valve last night by letting myself do a couple of the 'treats' I had planned for when I finish.  As time has gone on these treats have mounted and I have been just so desperate to finish so I can watch that tv programme or start reading that book...  so I watched one of the tv progs last night to help me relax and started one of the books (it was shite) and feel more balanced!  Less like I am working really stressfully in front of a huge cake I can't eat yet!  I still have lots of treats left - main one being being able to sleep and lounge about at will!

For each section of the concl I shall write a sentence, then fill in gaps around it if I can, if I can't again, I won't sweat it.

So I hope this way to get the concl finished today, then tomorrow can be about formatting and printing :)  And posting :) 

Have also forgiven myself for not completing it yet as I have worked so hard, it's not like I have taken time off, and Sup isn't there to mark it till Friday anyway.  Even if it isn't finished I will have it posted tomorrow. 

yay.  so onwards with it!  Oh, and I will go snaffle shopping in about an hour.  Crisps, biscuits and sausage rolls are needed today to see me though - I have completely run out of comfort food :)  Hehe DB offered to clean away all my crap food wrappers under the desk (bless, he has been sleeping in here with a terrible cold as I am up all night being preggo) but I told him he better not dare.  for some reason nothing must be touched until I have sent this off, then I shall tidy up!  I have books in special places on my desk, and even tho I don't need the book any more it really helped me when I did so is like a talisman or mascot!  Everything has a special place and meaning!  Do Not Touch! 

Oh btw am really bloody tired today.  Am ignoring it but oohhhhhhh.  sleeeeepy.  Bean keeps getting up at 6.22am to show me things from his room.  This morning it was his nappies...  wtf.

x J

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