Monday 12 November 2012

Stressed and Working

First, the whine :

I am stressed.  I had a terrible weekend; I worked a lot and it created a lot of tension in the house and this has made me very upset.  I hate the way I have to fight for time to work; if I don't fight I don't get it and if I do  get bollocked for being needy and my work taking up too much (of DB's) time.  I hate the lack of support and the way my PhD is like an unwanted pet in the house.

This makes me feel very stressed and unhappy, particularly as I don't normally work long hours on weekend and i am only doing this so I can hand in and move on.

I am also stressy because I have got Bean in childcare for four days a week.  And he is noticing my absence in general and tension and isn't best pleased with me.

I am also stressed because the childminder is worried about her dog being ill and also her son is poorly and so she might have to close on me.  This would be a disaster.

However, I am working and making good progress.  The empirical chapters I completed last week have been niggling at me because I think they might be repetitive.  So, as I am now editing (!) I thought that they would be a good place to start, then if I am happy with them I can move on as they form a huge chunnk of the thesis.  I just checked them and they (well, the intro's) are looking wonderful, though without reading each one with a microscope (for which I do not have the time or enthusiasm) I cannot be completely sure that they actually are ok.  And then I thought, well, will I ever think they are finished?!  Will there always be a bit of me that needs to tinker?!  Especially as this is my first full draft it will be a bit rough and ready, but how it can be improved without wasting time 'tinkering' is beyond me atm.

So I have decided I just have to leave them and think that they are done.  I will need to read through the whole thing once I think I have got each chapter sorted anyway, and I think that is when instances of good and bad repetition will come to light.

Is such a weird thing do this course, it sort of teaches me things all the time!

So, back to editing...   three chapters down, two more contentions chapters to go then the intro and concl...  nearly there!

x J 

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